Free Quick Tips for Affordable Singing Lessons

Today was a great day, not only for me, but for you.


I taped 4 new quick tips and finished editing #2.  It is called “Greatest Name on Earth” and I’ll give you a hint about what name that is:  it’s YOU!

Yes, your name is the greatest name because it identifies you.

And how you identify yourself, deep inside yourself where no one else can see or hear what is going on with you, is key to how you sing and communicate.

As you know, I talk about vowels and singing on the vowels quite a bit.

So this new quick tip (it’s free!) for learning how to free your voice, focuses on how a simple name and knowing how to play with it can help to free your voice.

This quick tip is #2 in a series of 10 free quick tips that I am creating to give you the singing help that you deserve.  The first one was “Believe in the Shower” and if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it now.  It is guaranteed to make you smile!

Singing is about YOU, about your name, about your life and dreams and knowledge and hopes and oh, so much more!

To see all 10 of the videos, go to this page and sign up!

You’ll be happy you did because I gotta tell you, I believe learning to sing should be simple and fun and I have a lot of fun giving you what I know!


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